Jannat Makeen Nizam ud Din Chishti


Let me share with you, the story of my mother's father, my maternal grandfather, Magfoor o Marhoom  Nizam ud  din Chishti, a man who was truly an inspirational. Born in the year 1916 near Sona Masjid, Chishti Kocha, Fateh Kadak, Srinagar..He  belonged to the first generation of educated people of Kashmir. He worked in Central Excise and Customs, and ,was superannuated as Sectional Officer, in 1974.
Throughout his life he exuded modesty, humility and simplicity. During his service, he wholeheartedly dedicated himself to his job. His dedication, integrity and honesty, earned him various appreciation letters and testimonials from his department.
Despite being the first person of his family who was having a Government Job, my maternal grandfather always followed in the foot steps of his  paternal grandfather Hazrat Sheikh Radhu Chishti RA. He delved deep into religion and spirituality, immersing himself in  tilawate Quran, wazaif, zikr o azkaar, and steadfastly embarked on riyazat, under the guidance of his learned Mashaikh Peer o Murshid. In this count, he had to struggle very hard and ,at last he ascended to higher realms of spirituality . He gained enough knowledge of spirituality.
Pertinent to mention here, that it is, Hazrat Sheikh Radhu Chishti RA (referred to above ),a  spiritual and religious personality of his time, ,who was choosen  by the people to lead the group of Sufis, Ulema's and lovers of Prophet Mohammad PBUH, in order to welcome and receive  the holy relic of Prophet Mohammad PBUH at Hiripora, Shopian. He had walked bare foot and received the holy relic at shopian, having arrived in Kashmir from Lahore via Mughal Road. The holy relic was firstly placed in the shrine of Hazrat Naqshband Sahib RA, Khwaja Bazar, Srinagar. Hazrat Sheikh Mohammad Radhu Chishti RA exhibited the relic to the public, but, due to huge crowd of people, a stampede occurred, and some people lost their  lives. After the incident, the holy relic was shifted to Hazratbal. Later, after  the departure of Hazrat Sheikh Mohammad Radhu Chishti  RA., the custody and  all other responsibilities shifted to the Banday's  family, who was son in law of famous Kashmiri business man Khwaja Noor ud din Ashawari RA.
           Now, moving back to the topic, Marhoom Jinab Nizam ud Din Chishti, my maternal grandfather, shortly after retirement from the government services in 1974, shifted his residence from Shehri Khas to the city outskirts at Botshah Mohalla, Lalbazar, where he served the countless people with love, compassion and empathy. He was a selfless person, and, had least inclination towards materialism. It was he ,who was the sole custodian of his great grandfather's shrine,  and, even of some holy scriptures and relics, relating to his  forefather Hazrat Sheikh Radhu Chishti RA situated at  Chishtia Shrine, Chishti Kocha, Fateh Kadal, Srinagar.
Since he used to get a handsome salary or pension from Central Services, he never seemed to make a fortune by his spiritual skills and knowledge nor in any way because of being the custodian of holy scriptures or relics. He made a modest living from his pension money. His disciples and mureeds do still visit his grave, out of their love and affection, and keeping in view Marhoom Nizam ud din Chishti's selfless services.
           He passed away after a brief illness, at an age of eighty years, peacefully at his home, Chishti Manzil, Botshah Mohalla, Lalbazar  during the intervening night of January 25 & 26 ,in the year 1996 . May Almighty Allah bless his pious soul in heaven. He is buried in Makbare Chishtiyah, Chishti Kocha, Fateh Kadal, Srinagar. 
Syed Majid Gilani is a writer and GST Inspector, J&K and can be reached at syedmajid6676@gmail.com




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