FATHER'S DAY, An article inspired from a midnight dream and attributing my imagination to my children.

On this special day, June 16th, we, Arshad, Sarah, and Murshad, want to honor the most selfless, loving, and incredible person we know—our beloved Papa, Syed Majid Gilani. Your presence lights up our lives, providing the calm in every storm and the safe haven where we find peace. Your unwavering support, guidance, and love have shaped us into the individuals we are today.

We fondly remember the countless hours you spent with us, taking us on morning walks, cycling adventures, and delightful picnics. Each moment was filled with joy and laughter, from our morning rides to Shalimar for breakfast to the exciting trip to Dal Lake Boulevard last year. The delicious bhel puri, golgappas, and ice creams we enjoyed there are unforgettable. The thrill of the amusement park, especially the tall merry-go-round ride we took together, remains a cherished memory.

Your patience and dedication have instilled in us the values of hard work and perseverance. You have been not only our Papa but also a loving friend, always there to encourage and believe in us. Your presence at every school event meant the world to us. You cheered us on, beamed with pride, and made us feel like our smiles were the most precious thing to you.

Your teachings have left an indelible mark on our hearts. You taught us the importance of self-discipline and faith in Allah, showing us that honesty is always the best policy. Your stories of family outings and past experiences are etched in our memories forever. We cherish the laughter, the adventures, and the quiet moments we shared together.

We remember when you took us to your office on special occasions like Republic Day and Independence Day, where we were enthralled with the celebrations. Those moments made us feel special and deeply connected to your world. The shopping trips where you got us everything we desired are memories we hold dear. You made every effort to provide us with the best education, enrolling us in the prestigious Crescent Public School, Naseem Bagh, and engaging the best private tutors and Moulvi Sahib at home. You longed to see us happy, and your kindness, empathy, and compassion inspire us daily to be better humans.

Your belief in Allah and your attachment to all shrines, especially Aasari Sharief Hazratbal and Khanquah Moulla, taught us the love for good virtues and spirituality. Taking us to these shrines, often offering Maghrib Namaz there, instilled in us a deep sense of faith and morality. Your selflessness has taught us to put others before ourselves and never give up on our good dreams.

Papa, we know things have been tough lately, but we want you to know that we love and miss you more than words can express. We know you’re fighting for us, and we’re fighting for you too. We believe in you and know that you live for your beloved children. Your down-to-earth nature, strength, and resilience are a beacon of hope for us, and we will always be grateful for the sacrifices you’ve made.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, we want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for us. We appreciate the sacrifices, the love, the values you’ve instilled, the laughter, and the memories we’ve created together. Thank you, Papa, for being our everything. You’re the reason we smile, laugh, and dream big. We’re so grateful to have you in our lives, and we promise to always be there for you, just as you’ve always been there for us.

Your guidance has always steered us towards the right path. You taught us to choose friends with good moral character and a pious upbringing, believing that a person is known by the company they keep. These lessons have profoundly impacted our lives, helping us form meaningful and positive relationships.

Your efforts to provide us with the best education were not just about academic success but about shaping us into individuals with integrity and moral character. The values you instilled in us go beyond mere achievements; they are about the positive impact we have on others. You showed us that success is not just about personal accomplishments but about contributing to the well-being of those around us.

Your stories of family outings and your experiences have always been a source of inspiration. They taught us the importance of family bonds, the joy of shared experiences, and the value of creating lasting memories. We remember the times you took us to your office, making us feel special and included in your professional world.

The shopping trips and the way you fulfilled our desires with such generosity are moments we treasure. They were not just about material things but about the love and care you showed us. Your dedication to our happiness and well-being is something we will always hold dear.

Your kindness, empathy, and compassion are qualities we strive to emulate every day. You have shown us that being a good person with a strong moral character is the most important thing in life. Your belief in Allah and the spiritual lessons you imparted have given us a strong foundation of faith and virtue.

Papa, your love for us is evident in everything you do. Even in tough times, your resilience and strength inspire us to stay strong and hopeful. We know you are fighting for us, and we want you to know that we are with you every step of the way. Your unwavering love and support have given us the courage to face any challenge.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, we want you to know how much we appreciate you. Thank you, Papa, for being our rock, our guide, and our inspiration. You have given us the greatest gift of all—your love. We love you more than words can say and are forever grateful for everything you do for us.

Happy Father’s Day, Papa! With all our love, Arshad, Sarah, and Murshad.

Syed Majid Gilani is a writer and GST Inspector , Government of Jammu & Kashmir and can be reached at syedmajid6676@gmail.com


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