My childhood was a haven of wisdom, filled with the guidance of elder family members, neighbors, and relatives. They shared stories, tales, and life experiences that instilled good morals and ethics, cautioning us against the consequences of reckless actions. This social accountability fostered a closely-knit society where crime rates were minimal. In this nurturing environment, my grandmother, Late Syeda Sakina Gilani, would often share stories from her childhood. One such tale has stayed with me to this day. Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a woman, her husband, and their only son. The husband traveled extensively for work, leaving his wife to care for their child. Despite his occasional returns, bringing necessities and provisions, the wife's toxic behavior made their home an uncomfortable place for him. The son began attending a local school, and his mother showered him with love and affection. However, when he brought home an extra pencil, admitting to taking it from a classmate's bag without permission, his mother remained silent. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of a downward spiral. The next incident occurred when the son beat a classmate, and his mother was summoned to school. Instead of reprimanding him, she justified his actions, arguing that the classmate had previously wronged him. This misguided encouragement emboldened the son to continue down a path of misbehavior. As the son grew older, his actions became increasingly concerning. One day, he was caught smoking by his classmates, who reported it to their teacher in an effort to prevent him from developing a harmful habit. The school authorities called his mother to address this issue, intending to correct his behavior. However, when the teacher reprimanded the boy, his mother surprisingly objected, citing the absurd reason that since people of his age were indulging in worse habits like drinking wine and committing grave offenses, smoking was a non-issue, even normal for boys his age. This alarming response revealed the mother's true intentions: shielding her wayward son rather than correcting him. Her silence and justification only fueled his destructive tendencies. The boy interpreted his mother's response as approval, and his behavior continued to deteriorate. Years passed, and the son's transgressions escalated. He dropped out of school and mastered the art of robbery under his mother's patronage. His father, now older, decided to stay home and engage in local business. However, he was dismayed to find his son's behavior beyond correction. One fateful day, while robbing a house, the son killed the owner in a scuffle. The authorities arrested him, and the king sentenced him to death by hanging. As was the custom, the son was granted a final wish. To everyone's astonishment, he requested that his mother be hanged alongside him. The king inquired about the reasoning behind this unusual request. The son explained that his mother's failure to correct him when he stole the pencil, her justification of his violent behavior, and her constant belittling of his father had cultivated his destructive nature. The son lamented that his father had tried to reform him, but his mother had consistently undermined these efforts, fueling his rebelliousness. He recalled the incident where he was caught smoking, and instead of being corrected, his mother had normalized the behavior. The mother, overcome with grief and regret, realized too late the devastating consequences of her actions. The King, bound by tradition, granted the son's final wish. As they stood together on the gallows, the son's words served as a haunting reminder: unchecked ambition, misguided encouragement, and lack of accountability can lead to devastating consequences. This story, passed down through generations, serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of responsible parenting, social accountability, and the value of elder wisdom in shaping a harmonious society. Syed Majid Gilani is a writer and works as a GST Inspector, Government of Jammu & Kashmir. He can be reached at syedmajid6676@gmail.com


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